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Alivio hipotecario de Virginia

¿Tiene problemas para pagar su hipoteca debido a COVID-19?

La asistencia hipotecaria federal llegará pronto.

A finales de este año, Virginia lanzará el Programa de Ayuda Hipotecaria de Virginia , que brindará a los propietarios de viviendas asistencia para prevenir y / o aliviar la morosidad hipotecaria, los incumplimientos, las ejecuciones hipotecarias y el desplazamiento de los propietarios que atraviesan dificultades financieras debido a la pandemia. Las dificultades financieras podrían incluir un aumento en los gastos de manutención, cuidado de niños, cambio en el tamaño del hogar, pérdida del trabajo o reducción de ingresos, etc.

El Estado de Virginia espera recibir aproximadamente $ 250 millones en fondos de la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense a través del Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. Estos fondos están destinados a ayudar a los propietarios de viviendas que enfrentan la inestabilidad de la vivienda como resultado de la pandemia de COVID-19.


Los propietarios de viviendas de Virginia podrán solicitar asistencia cuando el programa se lance a principios del otoño de 2021. Todavía estamos trabajando en los detalles de nuestro programa y publicaremos actualizaciones en este sitio web cuando el programa entre en funcionamiento. ¡Por favor revise las actualizaciones!



AVISO DE FONDO DE AYUDA PARA PROPIETARIOS DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA. De conformidad con la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense de 2021, el Estado de Virginia ha recibido aproximadamente $ 258 millones de fondos de asistencia al propietario (HAF) del Departamento del Tesoro de los EE. UU. (Tesoro). La Autoridad de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Virginia (“Vivienda de Virginia”) administrará los fondos HAF en Virginia a través de un Programa de Ayuda Hipotecaria de Virginia (VMRP). Por la presente, se notifica que el 5 de agosto de 2021, a las 10:00 a.m., hora del este, Virginia Housing llevará a cabo una audiencia virtual para recibir comentarios del público en general sobre el VMRP, incluida su evaluación de las necesidades de los propietarios, un borrador del Plan HAF para presentarse a Tesorería y el borrador de los criterios de elegibilidad para el VMRP.


  Obtenga más información y lea el aviso de audiencia pública .

  Obtenga más información y lea el BORRADOR del Plan del Fondo de Asistencia para la Vivienda del Departamento del Tesoro: inglés | Español

Checking on Your Application?

If you need assistance checking on your application status, please contact the VMRP Call Center from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday: 833-OUR-VMRP (833-687-8677).

Want to Appeal Your Eligibility Determination?

If you disagree with the decision the Program made regarding your eligibility for VMRP assistance, you may file an appeal. You must file your appeal within15 days of issuance of the “Notice of Ineligibility.”


After submitting your appeal, the Program may need to contact you for additional supporting documentation depending upon your individual situation. Such supporting documentation may include items such as property records, billing statements, or other documents necessary to support a determination of eligibility for Program assistance. You will be notified if additional documentation is required.


You may not appeal Program policies that are approved and used by the Program, such as income requirements or any statutory and regulatory requirements/ guidelines or requirements issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Homeowner Assistance Fund Guidance.


How to Appeal: You may submit an appeal online, by phone, at a VMRP center, email, or mail. If you have any questions regarding the appeal process and/or require additional assistance, please contact the VMRP Call Center at 833-OUR-VMRP (833-687-8677).

Online: Please click the link here to access the online VMRP Appeal Form.


Phone: If you are unable to file an appeal online, you may contact us at VMRP Call Center at 833-OUR-VMRP (833-687-8677) (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. E.S.T.) to speak with a Program representative who will assist in filing the appeal on your behalf.


Email: If you prefer, you may fill out and send the Appeal Form and any supporting documents via email to Please click here for a downloadable version of the appeal form.


Mail: If you are unable to file an appeal through other means, we will accept a mailed Appeal Form and supporting documents. Please click here to access a downloadable version of the appeal form for you to print, complete, and mail to:

IEM – VMRP Appeals Department

2550 S. Clark Street, Suite 670

Arlington, VA  22202

Beware of Scams!

Please beware of potential scams. Mortgage scams target homeowners, especially people who are currently looking for assistance making mortgage payments. Foreclosure rescue scams became prevalent during the pandemic and put homeowners seeking help at risk. It is important to understand these types of scams and how to avoid them.

There are never any costs associated with applying for VMRP. All VMRP representatives are available to you for free assistance, including your assigned case manager or the VMRP Call Center, to support your application submission. To ensure any VMRP communications you received are legitimate and trustworthy, you can contact the VMRP Call Center at 833-687-8677, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., to verify.

If you believe you were approached by non-VMRP representatives offering VMRP-related financial assistance, a fee for application assistance, or requesting your personal information for the Virginia Mortgage Relief Program, please submit a Fraud, Waste and Abuse Allegation Reporting Form or call 1-800-228-4167.

For more information about mortgage scams, visit the Federal Trade Commission or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

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